Another Event…

It’s been a hell of a couple of weeks.

The markets have tanked. If you have stocks or bonds, leave them be — they’ll rebound eventually.

And don’t even think about looking at your 401k — just let it ride and worry about it in another few years.

Companies are laying people off. Many others are are closing up shop.

It’ll get worse. Much worse.

I’ve not looked closely at the numbers for comparison of markets, but I can’t help but think of the stories of the Great Depression in the 1920s.

I have noticed that petty crimes are up. Truck was burgled yesterday — less than $100 in theft. No doubt petty thefts and malicious acts are on the rise because of the perceived lack of law enforcement.

The latest is an order from Gov. Inslee, to stay home.

No legal authority to enforce it, of course. But there’s a guy named Mr. G. Reaper that will see that it’s sorted… I suppose he’ll also see about sorting those petty crimes as well.

Oh, and in other news, something familiar found its way into the house:

Oh, Great — More OWS Stuff

I like Floyd. I especially like Meddle, Dark Side, Momentary Lapse of Reason, and Division Bell. I even appreciate The Wall…

Now, go watch the video on this page.

Consider that the current costs of a

  • concert ticket to The Roger Waters’ The Wall 2012 (the Denver show) $375 each — prices vary, but that’s the cheapest I’ve found so far
  • a newly-remastered, newly re-released box set of each Floyd album: $110 each — and there are several

I’ll be skipping the show for sure. No, not because I can’t afford it (I could easily save and take a few friends — that’s how finance works) but because Roger’s logic doesn’t follow.

It goes something like this:

  • 99% of people are being raped financially by 1% of people
  • We should redistribute the wealth from the 1% to the 99%
  • I’m rich beyond my wildest dreams because I’ve become part of the 1%
  • I’m going to charge you out the ass to see my show because I know that you’ll pay

Gargle my balls.

I’m going to go to Australian Pink Floyd instead. Sure, I know you’re a founding member of the original Tea Set, er Pink Floyd, but I simply don’t like you… so I’ll give my money to somebody else.

Carry on.

Last Chance! Buy Now!

I think the marketing department for dead-tree magazines needs to go back and think carefully about their sales model.

I used to have a subscription to a certain magazine that focused on Pacific Coast/Mountain lifestyle and modern architecture. I didn’t renew. So they poured on the marketing to try getting me to resubscribe. I keep getting these stupid-assed “Last chance to renew!” “You’ll never get another!” letters, postcards, and emails.
Really? Last chance? Never get another? I don’t think those phrases mean what you think those phrases mean.
What’s to stop me from picking up another copy from a newsstand, taking out one of the four hundred little post-paid subscription cards, and filling it out to get another 24 months for ten bucks?
Oh, right: my loss of interest in your magazine.